Seat allocation of upgrade round released for DU UG admission, 74,108 seats allotted
Delhi University has declared the seat allocation result of the upgraded round. The university has confirmed a total of 74,108 undergraduate admissions after the upgrade round.

Delhi University has declared the results of upgraded allocation and round-1 for performance-based programmes, CW (children/widows of armed forces personnel), ECA (extracurricular activities), sports and ward quota today, September 3. The university has confirmed a total of 74,108 undergraduate admissions after the upgrade round.
The allocation is as follows
In the upgrade round, 28,810 applicants sought upgrades in their initially allotted courses, while 45,298 applicants opted to defer their admission, indicating that they are satisfied with the initially allotted courses and colleges.
There were various types of allocations in the upgrade round. A total of 2,682 students successfully secured seats in their preferred courses through the DU UG CSAS upgrade round. This includes 764 admissions under the single girl child category and 132 under the orphan category.
In addition, 1,061 students were allotted seats based on their extra-curricular activities (ECA), while 1,648 applicants were granted admission under the sports quota, reflecting Delhi University's recognition of talent beyond academics. The university also reported 332 performance-based allotments.
Candidates have time till September 4 to accept their options. During the upgrade window, all candidates admitted in rounds 1 and 2 can choose to upgrade to higher-preference options. Those who choose the 'upgrade' option can also rearrange the programme and college combinations that were listed as higher preference than the one currently allotted to them.