It’s a positive step: Celebrities on the new criminal law of the death penalty for child rape perpetrators

Rape cases, even for adults, should be punished on par with those of minors. This law should be executed severely, either with the prompt death penalty or with castration leading to the perpetrator's death

Jul 15, 2024 - 13:04
It’s a positive step: Celebrities on the new criminal law of the death penalty for child rape perpetrators
It’s a positive step: Celebrities on the new criminal law of the death penalty for child rape perpetrators

India’s new criminal law states that convicts of rape against minors will now face the death penalty. The new law came into effect on July 1. Celebrities are in full support of it and have called it a much-needed step.
Here’s what they had to say:
Seema Kapoor:
Rape, murder, and acid attacks should be dealt with with the instant death penalty, as they all should be accounted for as gory crimes. Rape cases, even for adults, should be punished on par with those of minors. This law should be executed severely, either with the prompt death penalty or with castration leading to the perpetrator's death. Only strict measures like these can halt such crimes; otherwise, they will keep increasing year after year and far more brutally. These court cases also should be given to fast-track courts so that timely justice is provided to the victim or their family. Justice delayed is justice denied. Also, male rape should be considered in the same spot.
Gulfam Khan Hussain:
In my view, paedophilia is an intolerable and disgusting trait, and child rape is the lowest grade of crime. Atrocities against helpless children should be met with the utmost severity anyway, and a sexual crime against a helpless child? That should have zero tolerance. I just hope innocents are not targeted through this. As we see with the law time and again, people are taking undue advantage of the law and using it as a tool for personal vendetta. As long as we do a thorough investigation and the correct criminal meets their just end, I am all for stricter laws. Whether or not it will stop the crime is difficult to say, but it will definitely put fear in perpetrators minds, and there will be a decrease in the number of cases.
Karan Gulianii:
I think it's a much-needed decision made by the government and the court of law. In our country, especially, only about 5–10% of child abuse cases are reported, while 90% go unreported. When a child is abused, it affects them for their entire life, not just in that moment. Their confidence is shattered, and they are scarred for life. I believe that there should be the harshest punishment for such crimes. Our courts and government should propose even stricter penalties for child abusers. While I understand that not everyone might agree with this approach, I feel strongly that we need to start somewhere. This decision is a positive step, and I fully support it.
Radhika Vidyasagar:
I am so glad that finally this has happened. Anything against women and children, any crime, should be punished. And the trial should be held because justice should always prevail. There should be no loopholes left in our judiciary system. But still, I'm so glad that this thing has been announced. And yes, the death penalty. Rape has to have a death penalty. There is no excuse for rape. There is no excuse for crimes against women or children. So I'm really glad, and I'm so happy that this decision has been made finally, after so much injustice happening towards women and children all over the world and India, in rape cases. So I'm really glad that sentence—the death sentence—should be the punishment. Otherwise, such crimes will not, you know, be stopped.
Pravina Deshpande:
Imposing the death penalty on child rape perpetrators is a welcome and strong stance against such horrendous crimes in the recent amendment to India's criminal law. This was long-awaited. I also welcome the digital revolution in these laws, which will make investigations easy. A welcome change will indeed be a major deterrent to the heinous crime, giving the victim’s family some relief and decent closure.
Rinku Ghosh:
It’s a step forward. This was required. I would have been happier if there had been the death penalty in every rape case, irrespective of gender or age, rich or poor.
Nitin Bhajan:
The biggest immediate change that comes from such harsh punishments is the strong message that resonates in people's minds: we will not tolerate heinous crimes like this, and those found guilty will face similar consequences. This decision has set a precedent and gives hope to victims' families that they will get justice and satisfaction. Our laws should be strong enough to deter people from committing such crimes in the first place. I believe the death penalty is the ultimate solution to prevent heinous crimes like gang rape. It sends a strong message to society, giving confidence to the victims' families and the public that justice will be served. However, the implementation and enforcement of this punishment are crucial. We need fast-track courts, tamper-free evidence, and an efficient legal system to ensure that the law is upheld. Only then can we see a significant reduction in crime rates.